WHO Leads in Using Solid Science to Draft COVID-19 Policy: Study
WHO Leads in Using Solid Science to Draft COVID-19 Policy: Study
Governments are variable in their reliance on highly cited research, while international intergovernmental organizations such as the World Health Organization reliably link policy and science, according to an analysis of thousands of policy documents from the first half of 2020.
WHO Leads in Using Solid Science to Draft COVID-19 Policy: Study
WHO Leads in Using Solid Science to Draft COVID-19 Policy: Study

Governments are variable in their reliance on highly cited research, while international intergovernmental organizations such as the World Health Organization reliably link policy and science, according to an analysis of thousands of policy documents from the first half of 2020.

Governments are variable in their reliance on highly cited research, while international intergovernmental organizations such as the World Health Organization reliably link policy and science, according to an analysis of thousands of policy documents from the first half of 2020.

citation analysis, disease & medicine

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