Exercise Changes Our Gut Microbes, But How Isn’t Yet Clear
Exercise Changes Our Gut Microbes, But How Isn’t Yet Clear
Physical activity, independent of diet, shifts the composition of bacteria in the intestines, spurring researchers to search for species that might provide benefits akin to working out.
Exercise Changes Our Gut Microbes, But How Isn’t Yet Clear
Exercise Changes Our Gut Microbes, But How Isn’t Yet Clear

Physical activity, independent of diet, shifts the composition of bacteria in the intestines, spurring researchers to search for species that might provide benefits akin to working out.

Physical activity, independent of diet, shifts the composition of bacteria in the intestines, spurring researchers to search for species that might provide benefits akin to working out.

microbiome, cell & molecular biology, genetics & genomics

Messing with the Microbiome
Ruth Williams | Jul 16, 2017 | 1 min read
Two new techniques allow researchers to manipulate the activity of gut bacteria. 
One Antigen Receptor Induces Two T cell Types
Ruth Williams | Aug 26, 2016 | 3 min read
Precursor T cells bearing the same antigen receptor adopt two different fates in mice.
Week in Review: May 26–30
Tracy Vence | May 30, 2014 | 4 min read
Human proteome cataloged; island-separated crickets evolved silence; molecule shows promise for combatting coronaviruses; study replication etiquette; another call for STAP retraction
Week in Review: December 16–20
Tracy Vence | Dec 20, 2013 | 4 min read
Sex lives of early hominins; Amborella trichopoda genome; surface topography and stem cells; how HIV weakens immune cells; dogs, dust microbes, and mouse allergies; news from ASCB
Gut Bacteria Vary with Diet
Jef Akst | Dec 13, 2013 | 2 min read
Extreme diets can alter the microbial makeup of the human GI tract, and change the behavior of those bacteria.
Week in Review: November 18–22
Tracy Vence | Nov 22, 2013 | 4 min read
Chilly mice develop more tumors; gut bacteria aid cancer treatment; two Y chromosome genes sufficient for assisted reproduction; HIV’s “invisibility cloak”