A Simple Genetic Change Adds Limb-Like Bones to Zebrafish Fins
A Simple Genetic Change Adds Limb-Like Bones to Zebrafish Fins
A gain-of-function mutation in a single gene reveals ancient limb-forming capacity that has been preserved for hundreds of millions of years.
A Simple Genetic Change Adds Limb-Like Bones to Zebrafish Fins
A Simple Genetic Change Adds Limb-Like Bones to Zebrafish Fins

A gain-of-function mutation in a single gene reveals ancient limb-forming capacity that has been preserved for hundreds of millions of years.

A gain-of-function mutation in a single gene reveals ancient limb-forming capacity that has been preserved for hundreds of millions of years.

zebrafish, genetics & genomics, evolution

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Abby Olena, PhD | Dec 25, 2013 | 4 min read
What researchers learned as they dug through the most highly cited genomes published this year