Infographic: Anatomical Construction by Cell Collectives
Infographic: Anatomical Construction by Cell Collectives
Understanding this complex and still largely enigmatic process will pave the way for researchers to control the development of new morphologies.
Infographic: Anatomical Construction by Cell Collectives
Infographic: Anatomical Construction by Cell Collectives

Understanding this complex and still largely enigmatic process will pave the way for researchers to control the development of new morphologies.

Understanding this complex and still largely enigmatic process will pave the way for researchers to control the development of new morphologies.

regeneration, cell & molecular biology, genetics & genomics

How Groups of Cells Cooperate to Build Organs and Organisms
Michael Levin | Sep 1, 2020 | 10+ min read
Understanding biology’s software—the rules that enable great plasticity in how cell collectives generate reliable anatomies—is key to advancing tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Image of the Day: Regenerating Worms
Amy Schleunes | Feb 3, 2020 | 1 min read
Planarian flatworms grow to double their normal size when scientists inhibit a gene that suppresses growth.