Organisms from infographic about transposable elements
Infographic: How Transposable Elements Can Shape Evolution
The movements of so-called jumping genes can generate the genetic diversity needed to drive evolutionary change in populations over time.  
Infographic: How Transposable Elements Can Shape Evolution
Infographic: How Transposable Elements Can Shape Evolution

The movements of so-called jumping genes can generate the genetic diversity needed to drive evolutionary change in populations over time.  

The movements of so-called jumping genes can generate the genetic diversity needed to drive evolutionary change in populations over time.  

peppered moth

Gene Behind Black Peppered Moth’s Color Change Identified
Tanya Lewis | Jun 6, 2016 | 2 min read
A transposon underlies this classic story of evolutionary adaptation.
Spot the Moth
Cristina Luiggi | May 1, 2012 | 1 min read
It’s a well-known story: The peppered moth’s ancestral typica phenotype is white with dark speckles. 
Mighty Moth Man
Cristina Luiggi | May 1, 2012 | 4 min read
An evolutionary biologist’s posthumous publication restores the peppered moth to its iconic status as a textbook example of evolution.
Peppered Moths Re-examined
Cristina Luiggi | Feb 9, 2012 | 2 min read
The textbook example of Darwinian evolution is tested and confirmed.