Disputed Hydroxychloroquine Study Brings Scrutiny to Surgisphere
Disputed Hydroxychloroquine Study Brings Scrutiny to Surgisphere
Scientists have raised questions about the dataset published in The Lancet last week that triggered the suspension of clinical trials around the world—and about Surgisphere Corporation, the company behind the study.
Disputed Hydroxychloroquine Study Brings Scrutiny to Surgisphere
Disputed Hydroxychloroquine Study Brings Scrutiny to Surgisphere

Scientists have raised questions about the dataset published in The Lancet last week that triggered the suspension of clinical trials around the world—and about Surgisphere Corporation, the company behind the study.

Scientists have raised questions about the dataset published in The Lancet last week that triggered the suspension of clinical trials around the world—and about Surgisphere Corporation, the company behind the study.

privacy, disease & medicine

NIH Plans to Enroll 1 Million People for Health Database
Catherine Offord | May 3, 2018 | 2 min read
The agency says it has taken various steps to ensure the privacy of participants’ data.