Zika as Cancer Buster?
Zika as Cancer Buster?
By infecting glioblastoma cells but not healthy brain tissue, some form of the virus could serve a therapeutic purpose.
Zika as Cancer Buster?
Zika as Cancer Buster?

By infecting glioblastoma cells but not healthy brain tissue, some form of the virus could serve a therapeutic purpose.

By infecting glioblastoma cells but not healthy brain tissue, some form of the virus could serve a therapeutic purpose.

oncolytic viruses, cell & molecular biology

Yvonne Saenger: Immunotherapy Pioneer
Jef Akst | Apr 1, 2015 | 3 min read
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Columbia University. Age: 41
Cancer Immunotherapist
Jef Akst | Mar 31, 2015 | 1 min read
Scientist to Watch Yvonne Saenger explains recent advances in using biomarkers to identify cancer patients who might benefit most from immunotherapy.