Illustration of viruses represented with different colors overlapping each other.
What Happens When You Catch More than One Virus?
The “tripledemic” shines a spotlight on viral interference, in which one infection can block another.
What Happens When You Catch More than One Virus?
What Happens When You Catch More than One Virus?

The “tripledemic” shines a spotlight on viral interference, in which one infection can block another.

The “tripledemic” shines a spotlight on viral interference, in which one infection can block another.

interferon, immunology, microbiology

illustration of a coronavirus and antibodies
When the Immune Response Makes COVID-19 Worse
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Sep 27, 2021 | 8 min read
If the immune system makes mistakes—reacting late or getting the target wrong—it can amplify the damage wrought by SARS-CoV-2.