How Social Isolation Affects the Brain
How Social Isolation Affects the Brain
Absence of human contact is associated with declines in cognitive function. But as the COVID-19 pandemic brings concerns about the potential harms of isolation to the fore, researchers are still hunting for concrete evidence of a causal role as well as possible mechanisms.
How Social Isolation Affects the Brain
How Social Isolation Affects the Brain

Absence of human contact is associated with declines in cognitive function. But as the COVID-19 pandemic brings concerns about the potential harms of isolation to the fore, researchers are still hunting for concrete evidence of a causal role as well as possible mechanisms.

Absence of human contact is associated with declines in cognitive function. But as the COVID-19 pandemic brings concerns about the potential harms of isolation to the fore, researchers are still hunting for concrete evidence of a causal role as well as possible mechanisms.

cognitive decline, disease & medicine

Early Detection of Dementia with Smart Devices
Rachael Moeller Gorman | May 1, 2020 | 10+ min read
Digital biomarkers of cognitive decline could alert us to the early stages of dementia before irreversible damage occurs.
APOE Mutation Linked to Protection From Alzheimer’s: Case Study
Catherine Offord | Nov 5, 2019 | 2 min read
A woman whose DNA suggested she’d develop early-onset dementia staved off cognitive decline for decades.
Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease Linked to Highly Active Brains
Diana Kwon | Oct 1, 2019 | 5 min read
A growing body of evidence supports the theory that neural hyperactivity and hyperconnectivity precede the pathological changes that lead to neurodegeneration.
neurological brain speech
Computers Extract Disease Clues from Speech
Jef Akst | May 1, 2019 | 4 min read
AI models can pick up subtle alterations in linguistic and vocal attributes of spoken language that may be indicative of failing health.
Young Blood Unproven as Anti-Aging Treatment: US FDA
Carolyn Wilke | Feb 20, 2019 | 2 min read
The agency warns that plasma treatments costing thousands of dollars, which supposedly treat the infirmities of old age, have not been proven “safe or effective.”
the Shanghai skyline shrouded in smog
Air Pollution Linked to Decline in Cognitive Performance
Shawna Williams | Aug 28, 2018 | 1 min read
A study compares verbal and math test scores to air quality measurements in China and finds a correlation.