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tag protein engineering developmental biology immunology evolution neuroscience

Different colored cartoon viruses entering holes in a cartoon of a human brain.
A Journey Into the Brain
Danielle Gerhard, PhD | Mar 22, 2024 | 10+ min read
With the help of directed evolution, scientists inch closer to developing viral vectors that can cross the human blood-brain barrier to deliver gene therapy.
On the left is a normally developing mouse embryo, on the right is a slightly larger mouse embryo that also contains horse cells that glow green.
Chimera research opens new doors to understanding and treating disease
Hannah Thomasy, PhD, Drug Discovery News | Aug 9, 2023 | 10 min read
Animals with human cells could provide donor organs or help us understand neuropsychiatric disorders.
Researchers in George Church&rsquo;s lab modified wild type ADK proteins (left) in <em >E.coli</em>, furnishing them with an nonstandard amino acid (nsAA) meant to biocontain the resulting bacterial strain.
A Pioneer of The Multiplex Frontier
Rashmi Shivni, Drug Discovery News | May 20, 2023 | 10 min read
George Church is at it again, this time using multiplex gene editing to create virus-proof cells, improve organ transplant success, and protect elephants.
Karen Hopkin | Jul 1, 2011 | 9 min read
Studying the earliest events in visual development, Carla Shatz has learned the importance of looking at one’s data with open eyes—and an open mind.
Discovery’s Crest: A Profile of Marianne Bronner
Anna Azvolinsky | Dec 1, 2018 | 8 min read
Studying how neural crest cells journey through the embryo, this Caltech developmental biologist has revealed how they form major cell types, including peripheral neurons, bone, and smooth muscle.
Top 10 Innovations 2013
The Scientist | Dec 1, 2013 | 10+ min read
The Scientist’s annual competition uncovered a bonanza of interesting technologies that made their way onto the market and into labs this year.
A Pioneer Presses Search For 'Other Side of Biology'
Gerald Edelman | Nov 13, 1988 | 4 min read
When I was a high school student, I came across Erwin Schrödingers What Is Life?. I still remember my exultant reaction—a combination of adolescent pride in feeling able to understand ideas considered beyond a young person’s means, and a genuine intellectual thrill engendered by the problems that Schrödinger addressed. Upon rereading the book, it appears to me that its major value was to provoke interest in a central problem of biology. Schrödinger’s question
What Sensory Receptors Do Outside of Sense Organs
Sandeep Ravindran | Sep 1, 2016 | 10+ min read
Odor, taste, and light receptors are present in many different parts of the body, and they have surprisingly diverse functions.
The Human Touch
Kate Yandell | Aug 1, 2015 | 10 min read
Can mice with humanlike tissues better model drug effects in people?
The Genetics of Society
Claire Asher and Seirian Sumner | Jan 1, 2015 | 10 min read
Researchers aim to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which a single genotype gives rise to diverse castes in eusocial organisms.

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