Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease neural stem cell transplantation
Neural Stem Cell Transplantation Crawls Toward the Clinic
Several early-stage clinical trials indicate that implanting patients with the cells is safe. But whether they can alleviate neurological problems remains to be seen.
Neural Stem Cell Transplantation Crawls Toward the Clinic
Neural Stem Cell Transplantation Crawls Toward the Clinic

Several early-stage clinical trials indicate that implanting patients with the cells is safe. But whether they can alleviate neurological problems remains to be seen.

Several early-stage clinical trials indicate that implanting patients with the cells is safe. But whether they can alleviate neurological problems remains to be seen.

multiple sclerosis, disease & medicine

Do Commensal Microbes Stoke the Fire of Autoimmunity?
Amanda B. Keener | Jun 1, 2019 | 10+ min read
Molecules produced by resident bacteria and their hosts may signal immune cells to attack the body’s own tissues.
Infographic: Human Endogenous Retroviruses and Disease
Katarina Zimmer | Jan 1, 2019 | 3 min read
Human endogenous retroviruses that colonized vertebrate DNA millions of years ago have long been dismissed as junk DNA, but researchers now know that they may play important roles in cancer, neurodegeneration, and other ailments.