Babies’ Genomes Identify Risks Overlooked by Newborn Screens
Babies’ Genomes Identify Risks Overlooked by Newborn Screens
A trial called BabySeq, in which researchers performed genomic sequencing on 159 newborns, identified children susceptible to diseases that regular screening doesn’t look for.
Babies’ Genomes Identify Risks Overlooked by Newborn Screens
Babies’ Genomes Identify Risks Overlooked by Newborn Screens

A trial called BabySeq, in which researchers performed genomic sequencing on 159 newborns, identified children susceptible to diseases that regular screening doesn’t look for.

A trial called BabySeq, in which researchers performed genomic sequencing on 159 newborns, identified children susceptible to diseases that regular screening doesn’t look for.

exome sequencing, disease & medicine, genetics & genomics

Genome, Exome, RNA Sequencing Applied to Pediatric Cancer Cases
Ashley Yeager | Oct 18, 2018 | 2 min read
Combining data from the genetic testing techniques can guide patient care, scientists say.