Illustration of viruses represented with different colors overlapping each other.
What Happens When You Catch More than One Virus?
The “tripledemic” shines a spotlight on viral interference, in which one infection can block another.
What Happens When You Catch More than One Virus?
What Happens When You Catch More than One Virus?

The “tripledemic” shines a spotlight on viral interference, in which one infection can block another.

The “tripledemic” shines a spotlight on viral interference, in which one infection can block another.

flu, immunology, microbiology

Q&A: Myth Debunkers Take Aim at Microbiology Lore
Ashley Yeager | Jun 25, 2019 | 4 min read
University of Michigan’s Ada Hagan separates fact from fiction, such as whether you should starve a fever or if eating chocolate really causes acne.