On the left is a normally developing mouse embryo, on the right is a slightly larger mouse embryo that also contains horse cells that glow green.
Chimera research opens new doors to understanding and treating disease
Animals with human cells could provide donor organs or help us understand neuropsychiatric disorders.
Chimera research opens new doors to understanding and treating disease
Chimera research opens new doors to understanding and treating disease

Animals with human cells could provide donor organs or help us understand neuropsychiatric disorders.

Animals with human cells could provide donor organs or help us understand neuropsychiatric disorders.

genetics, stem cells, neuroscience

CRISPR Technologies for the New Era of Cell and Gene Therapy
The Scientist | Nov 25, 2020 | 1 min read
Experts will discuss how they use new CRISPR technologies to advance their cell and gene therapy research.
Stem Cell–Derived Neurons from People with Autism Grow Differently
Jef Akst | Jan 11, 2019 | 2 min read
Changes in gene expression also hint at how the brains of people with ASD develop differently from those of other people.