No Ban on Gene Drives: UN Convention
No Ban on Gene Drives: UN Convention
United Nations members agree to some restrictions on the technology, but not a total suspension of its use.
No Ban on Gene Drives: UN Convention
No Ban on Gene Drives: UN Convention

United Nations members agree to some restrictions on the technology, but not a total suspension of its use.

United Nations members agree to some restrictions on the technology, but not a total suspension of its use.

infectious disease, genetics & genomics, techniques

Fluorescent Cats Aid Research
Rachel Nuwer | Sep 13, 2011 | 2 min read
Tiny, adorable and…green? Glowing kittens may answer questions about neurobiology and disease.
The ghost of personalized medicine
Bob Grant | Jun 14, 2011 | 4 min read
Drug therapies tailored to the DNA profiles of individual patients could change the face of medicine, but such treatments aren't commonly used in the clinic.