Unravelling Memory’s Mysteries: A Profile of Elizabeth Buffalo
Unravelling Memory’s Mysteries: A Profile of Elizabeth Buffalo
Studying nonhuman primates, the University of Washington neuroscientist has identified important features of the neural underpinnings of learning and memory.
Unravelling Memory’s Mysteries: A Profile of Elizabeth Buffalo
Unravelling Memory’s Mysteries: A Profile of Elizabeth Buffalo

Studying nonhuman primates, the University of Washington neuroscientist has identified important features of the neural underpinnings of learning and memory.

Studying nonhuman primates, the University of Washington neuroscientist has identified important features of the neural underpinnings of learning and memory.

profile, neuroscience, disease & medicine

Neuroscientist Phil Haydon Sets Sail to Talk About Epilepsy
Ashley Yeager | Feb 19, 2020 | 6 min read
After an accident as a teenager, he developed the disorder. He then studied the brain to better understand his own seizures, and now plans to sail around the world to show others with the condition how to push their limits.
The Cerebellum’s Secrets: A Profile of Kamran Khodakhah
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The Albert Einstein College of Medicine neuroscientist has revealed surprising functions of the brain region, such as its role in the brain’s rewards circuits and in addiction.