Governments Must Ramp Up COVID-19 Testing, Says WHO
Governments Must Ramp Up COVID-19 Testing, Says WHO
The World Health Organization warns that a lack of data on how many people have the disease could undermine containment and mitigation efforts in many countries.
Governments Must Ramp Up COVID-19 Testing, Says WHO
Governments Must Ramp Up COVID-19 Testing, Says WHO

The World Health Organization warns that a lack of data on how many people have the disease could undermine containment and mitigation efforts in many countries.

The World Health Organization warns that a lack of data on how many people have the disease could undermine containment and mitigation efforts in many countries.

science policy, techniques, policy

Infant Monkeys Died in Accidental Poisoning at UC Davis Lab
Catherine Offord | Jun 18, 2019 | 2 min read
The seven primates came into contact with a dye that was used on their mothers, documents reveal.