Opinion: Develop Organoids, Not Chimeras, for Transplantation
Opinion: Develop Organoids, Not Chimeras, for Transplantation
Scientists are devising human-animal hybrids for harvesting human organs, but lab-derived mini-organs are a less ethically fraught solution to meeting the need for transplantation.
Opinion: Develop Organoids, Not Chimeras, for Transplantation
Opinion: Develop Organoids, Not Chimeras, for Transplantation

Scientists are devising human-animal hybrids for harvesting human organs, but lab-derived mini-organs are a less ethically fraught solution to meeting the need for transplantation.

Scientists are devising human-animal hybrids for harvesting human organs, but lab-derived mini-organs are a less ethically fraught solution to meeting the need for transplantation.

opinion, cell & molecular biology, ethics

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