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tag books evolution cell molecular biology

Different colored cartoon viruses entering holes in a cartoon of a human brain.
A Journey Into the Brain
Danielle Gerhard, PhD | Mar 22, 2024 | 10+ min read
With the help of directed evolution, scientists inch closer to developing viral vectors that can cross the human blood-brain barrier to deliver gene therapy.
Genes and Cells In Today's Biology
Wh Massover | Oct 19, 1986 | 2 min read
MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY James DarneD, Harvey Lodish and David Baltimore. Freeman (Scientific American Books), New York, 1986. 1222 pp., illus. $42.95.   Molecular Cell Biology is a gigantic new textbook attempting to integrate molecular and cellular bioscience into a "new biology." The book's 25 chapters are divided into four groups. The first group discusses research history, chemical molecules, biochemical metabolism, cytology, subcellular organelles, research models and tools, and basic p
Whither Cell Biology?
Richard Hynes | Dec 10, 2000 | 6 min read
Illustration: A. Canamucio Cell biology has become the third overlapping core discipline of modern biology, along with biochemistry and genetics. Progress over the century--since E.B. Wilson's classic book1 elegantly framed many of the questions of cell biology--has relied on advances in technology and yielded fascinating insights into the ways that cells work. We now have an unprecedented understanding of the structure, organization, and functions of cells. As the number of completed ge
Cellular DNA and epigenetics
Do Epigenetic Changes Influence Evolution?
Katarina Zimmer | Nov 1, 2022 | 10+ min read
Evidence is mounting that epigenetic marks on DNA can influence future generations in a variety of ways. But how such phenomena might affect large-scale evolutionary processes is hotly debated.
Reconsidering Life’s Origin
Jeremy England | Nov 1, 2020 | 3 min read
Is the model of early life as a freak occurrence in a disordered, primordial soup of chemicals wrong?
Forthcoming Books
The Scientist Staff | Mar 20, 1988 | 2 min read
This list of forthcoming books has been compiled from the latest information available from publishers. Dates of publication, prices and numbers of pages are tentative, however, and are subject to change. Soil Science Simplified. Second Edition. Mio I. Harpstead, Francis D. Hole and William Bennett. Iowa State University Press: April, $16.95, 204 pp. Explains the basic concepts of soil science including the physical, chemical and biological features, as well as soil management, classification
Book Excerpt from The Dawn of the Deed
John Long | Dec 31, 2012 | 3 min read
In the final chapter of his book on the origins of vertebrate sex, author and paleontologist John Long pays homage to the humble placoderm, which got the erotic ball rolling.
Book Excerpt from Future Science: Essays From the Cutting Edge
William McEwan | Oct 1, 2011 | 3 min read
In an essay entitled "Molecular Cut and Paste: The New Generation of Biological Tools," virologist William McEwan envisions a future where viruses are reprogrammed to become the workhorses of science and medicine.
Tag, You're It
Carina Storrs | Feb 1, 2014 | 7 min read
A guide to DNA-encoded libraries for drug discovery
Forthcoming Books
The Scientist Staff | Nov 15, 1987 | 3 min read
ANTHROPOLOGY Culture and Human Nature: Theoretical Papers of Melford E. Spiro. Benjamin Kilborne, L.L. Langness, eds. University of Chicago Press: November, 344 pp $17.95 PB, $48 HB. A collection of Spiro’s major theoretical writings, focusing on his theories of culture and human nature, functional analysis and religion. BIOGRAPHY Memoir of the Life and Labours of the Late Charles Babbage, Esq. F.R.S. H.W. Buxton. M.I.T. Press: November, 425 pp, $50. Profile of Charles Babbage, the fou

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