Pharma Looks to Inflammasome Inhibitors as All-Around Therapies
Pharma Looks to Inflammasome Inhibitors as All-Around Therapies
Many major biopharmaceutical companies are developing or acquiring drugs that target the NLRP3 inflammasome, a large intracellular complex that researchers say can spark inflammation and stoke diseases of lifestyle and aging.
Pharma Looks to Inflammasome Inhibitors as All-Around Therapies
Pharma Looks to Inflammasome Inhibitors as All-Around Therapies

Many major biopharmaceutical companies are developing or acquiring drugs that target the NLRP3 inflammasome, a large intracellular complex that researchers say can spark inflammation and stoke diseases of lifestyle and aging.

Many major biopharmaceutical companies are developing or acquiring drugs that target the NLRP3 inflammasome, a large intracellular complex that researchers say can spark inflammation and stoke diseases of lifestyle and aging.

biobusiness, disease & medicine, clinical trials, drug development

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