Electric and Magnetic Field Treatments Lower Mouse Blood Sugar
Electric and Magnetic Field Treatments Lower Mouse Blood Sugar
The effects seem to be mediated by a reactive oxygen species in the animals’ livers.
Electric and Magnetic Field Treatments Lower Mouse Blood Sugar
Electric and Magnetic Field Treatments Lower Mouse Blood Sugar

The effects seem to be mediated by a reactive oxygen species in the animals’ livers.

The effects seem to be mediated by a reactive oxygen species in the animals’ livers.

biochemistry, disease & medicine, cell & molecular biology

Obituary, University of Oregon, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, chromatin, chromatin reordering, chromatin reprogramming,
Molecular Biologist Jeff McKnight Dies at 36
Amanda Heidt | Oct 8, 2020 | 3 min read
The University of Oregon scientist studied the structure and function of chromatin, with the intent of designing new therapeutic tools.