Regina Vega-Trejo holding a net
Incest Isn’t Taboo in Nature: Study
Avoiding inbreeding appears to be the exception rather than the norm for animals, according to a new meta-analysis of experimental studies.
Incest Isn’t Taboo in Nature: Study
Incest Isn’t Taboo in Nature: Study

Avoiding inbreeding appears to be the exception rather than the norm for animals, according to a new meta-analysis of experimental studies.

Avoiding inbreeding appears to be the exception rather than the norm for animals, according to a new meta-analysis of experimental studies.

genetics & genomics, evolution, animal behavior

The Ultimate Wingman
Tracy Vence | Nov 1, 2013 | 4 min read
Differential gene expression between dominant and subordinate male turkeys could help evolutionary biologists deconstruct the roots of sexual dimorphism.