Sleep Is Critical for the Zebrafish Brain to Repair DNA Damage
Sleep Is Critical for the Zebrafish Brain to Repair DNA Damage
Neurons can only efficiently fix genetic injuries when the animals are asleep.
Sleep Is Critical for the Zebrafish Brain to Repair DNA Damage
Sleep Is Critical for the Zebrafish Brain to Repair DNA Damage

Neurons can only efficiently fix genetic injuries when the animals are asleep.

Neurons can only efficiently fix genetic injuries when the animals are asleep.

DNA repair, neuroscience, genetics & genomics

The Genes of Parkinsonā€™s Disease
Bobby Thomas and M. Flint Beal | Feb 1, 2011 | 10 min read
The minority of Parkinson’s cases now known to have genetic origins are shedding light on the cellular mechanisms of all the rest, bringing researchers closer to a cause—and perhaps a cure.