Early Humans’ Brains Were More Apelike than Modern
Early Humans’ Brains Were More Apelike than Modern
Impressions that ancient brains left in fossilized skulls reveal that the first human ancestors to migrate out of Africa had much more primitive brains than previously thought.
Early Humans’ Brains Were More Apelike than Modern
Early Humans’ Brains Were More Apelike than Modern

Impressions that ancient brains left in fossilized skulls reveal that the first human ancestors to migrate out of Africa had much more primitive brains than previously thought.

Impressions that ancient brains left in fossilized skulls reveal that the first human ancestors to migrate out of Africa had much more primitive brains than previously thought.

homo sapiens, evolution, neuroscience

Brain Evolution at a Distance
Hannah Waters | Dec 6, 2011 | 3 min read
Gene expression controlled from afar may have spurred the spurt in brain evolution that led to modern humans.