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tag ras neuroscience evolution microbiology

Researchers in George Church&rsquo;s lab modified wild type ADK proteins (left) in <em >E.coli</em>, furnishing them with an nonstandard amino acid (nsAA) meant to biocontain the resulting bacterial strain.
A Pioneer of The Multiplex Frontier
Rashmi Shivni, Drug Discovery News | May 20, 2023 | 10 min read
George Church is at it again, this time using multiplex gene editing to create virus-proof cells, improve organ transplant success, and protect elephants.
Sweet science
Megan Scudellari | Sep 15, 2010 | 4 min read
Ever had the urge to take a nice crunchy bite of Drosophila or lick icing off a brain? You will after a visit to linkurl:Not So Humble Pie,; a blog run by scientist-turned-baker, Ms. Humble. A blogger who refers to herself as "a typical nerdy biological anthropologist turned stay at home mom," Ms. Humble -- who chooses to remain anonymous -- began the blog in October 2009. Since then, the popular blog has regularly featured science-themed baked goods, from zebr

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