Zika Infection Increases Risk of Severe Dengue Fever
Zika Infection Increases Risk of Severe Dengue Fever
A study of Nicaraguan children links prior Zika virus infection with aggravated dengue fever symptoms.
Zika Infection Increases Risk of Severe Dengue Fever
Zika Infection Increases Risk of Severe Dengue Fever

A study of Nicaraguan children links prior Zika virus infection with aggravated dengue fever symptoms.

A study of Nicaraguan children links prior Zika virus infection with aggravated dengue fever symptoms.

dengue, disease & medicine, immunology

For the Greater Good: A Profile of Eva Harris
Diana Kwon | Jul 13, 2020 | 10 min read
Through groundbreaking studies on dengue and efforts to build scientific infrastructure in Latin America, the University of California, Berkeley, professor has bridged research with its benefits to society.