Ancient Genomes Reveal Clues About Native Americans’ Past
Ancient Genomes Reveal Clues About Native Americans’ Past
Sequences from dozens of ancient remains from Siberia reveal the closest ancient relative of Native Americans found outside of North America.
Ancient Genomes Reveal Clues About Native Americans’ Past
Ancient Genomes Reveal Clues About Native Americans’ Past

Sequences from dozens of ancient remains from Siberia reveal the closest ancient relative of Native Americans found outside of North America.

Sequences from dozens of ancient remains from Siberia reveal the closest ancient relative of Native Americans found outside of North America.

archeology, genetics & genomics

Study Links Brazilians to Polynesians
Edyta Zielinska | Apr 3, 2013 | 1 min read
New research shows that some early settlers of the Americas may have come from the Pacific islands archipelago.