Coral in shallow beach branching upward with blue fish in front
Corals Upend Longstanding Idea About Genetic Inheritance
Most animals can’t pass on mutations that arise spontaneously throughout their lives—but Elkhorn corals can.
Corals Upend Longstanding Idea About Genetic Inheritance
Corals Upend Longstanding Idea About Genetic Inheritance

Most animals can’t pass on mutations that arise spontaneously throughout their lives—but Elkhorn corals can.

Most animals can’t pass on mutations that arise spontaneously throughout their lives—but Elkhorn corals can.

genetic variability

The Rising Research Profile of 23andMe
Catherine Offord | Nov 30, 2017 | 7 min read
An exploration of the genetics of earlobe attachment is just the latest collaborative research project to come out of the personal genetic testing company.
In Evolution's Garden
Megan Scudellari | Jun 1, 2013 | 9 min read
Raising one evolutionary question after another, Brandon Gaut has harvested a crop of novel findings about how plant genomes evolve.