Women’s Cervical Mucus Prefers Some Sperm Over Others 
Women’s Cervical Mucus Prefers Some Sperm Over Others 
In human male-female pairs with a less similar suite of genes for human leukocyte antigens, sperm fare better when exposed to cervical mucus.
Women’s Cervical Mucus Prefers Some Sperm Over Others 
Women’s Cervical Mucus Prefers Some Sperm Over Others 

In human male-female pairs with a less similar suite of genes for human leukocyte antigens, sperm fare better when exposed to cervical mucus.

In human male-female pairs with a less similar suite of genes for human leukocyte antigens, sperm fare better when exposed to cervical mucus.

MHC molecules, evolution

Thymus Finder
Richard P. Grant | Jul 1, 2011 | 2 min read
Editor’s Choice in Immunology
Karen Hopkin | Jul 1, 2011 | 9 min read
Studying the earliest events in visual development, Carla Shatz has learned the importance of looking at one’s data with open eyes—and an open mind.