Trial in Africa Probes Antibiotic’s Effects on Child Mortality
Trial in Africa Probes Antibiotic’s Effects on Child Mortality
In Niger, fewer kids die when health workers administer azithromycin routinely, perhaps because of a shift in the composition of gut microbes.
Trial in Africa Probes Antibiotic’s Effects on Child Mortality
Trial in Africa Probes Antibiotic’s Effects on Child Mortality

In Niger, fewer kids die when health workers administer azithromycin routinely, perhaps because of a shift in the composition of gut microbes.

In Niger, fewer kids die when health workers administer azithromycin routinely, perhaps because of a shift in the composition of gut microbes.


Laxative Causes Long-Term Changes to Mouse Microbiome
Abby Olena, PhD | Jun 14, 2018 | 3 min read
Acute bouts of diarrhea could have lasting effects on the microbiota and host immune system activation, a mouse study suggests.
Image of the Day: Flushing the Gut
The Scientist | Jun 19, 2017 | 1 min read
In response to a bacterial infection, an immune signal in mice's guts triggers a molecular cascade that promotes diarrhea, which, researchers demonstrate, is important for ridding them of the bacteria.