Dramatic Temperature Spikes Inside Cells Draw Interest, Skepticism
Dramatic Temperature Spikes Inside Cells Draw Interest, Skepticism
Using a tiny thermometer, researchers record fluctuations of more than 7 Kelvin in sea slug neurons when a heat-generating mitochondrial process is switched on.
Dramatic Temperature Spikes Inside Cells Draw Interest, Skepticism
Dramatic Temperature Spikes Inside Cells Draw Interest, Skepticism

Using a tiny thermometer, researchers record fluctuations of more than 7 Kelvin in sea slug neurons when a heat-generating mitochondrial process is switched on.

Using a tiny thermometer, researchers record fluctuations of more than 7 Kelvin in sea slug neurons when a heat-generating mitochondrial process is switched on.

temperature, cell & molecular biology

Next Generation: Cellular Nanothermometer
Kerry Grens | Sep 2, 2011 | 3 min read
Quantum dots, typically used in imaging, also relay temperature changes within a cell.