How Social Isolation Affects the Brain
How Social Isolation Affects the Brain
Absence of human contact is associated with declines in cognitive function. But as the COVID-19 pandemic brings concerns about the potential harms of isolation to the fore, researchers are still hunting for concrete evidence of a causal role as well as possible mechanisms.
How Social Isolation Affects the Brain
How Social Isolation Affects the Brain

Absence of human contact is associated with declines in cognitive function. But as the COVID-19 pandemic brings concerns about the potential harms of isolation to the fore, researchers are still hunting for concrete evidence of a causal role as well as possible mechanisms.

Absence of human contact is associated with declines in cognitive function. But as the COVID-19 pandemic brings concerns about the potential harms of isolation to the fore, researchers are still hunting for concrete evidence of a causal role as well as possible mechanisms.

suicide, disease & medicine, neuroscience

The Biology of Suicidal Thoughts in PTSD Patients
Catherine Offord | Sep 1, 2019 | 2 min read
Researchers link levels of a receptor in the brain to suicidal ideation in people with post-traumatic stress disorder.