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tag european commission microbiology cell molecular biology disease medicine neuroscience

Researchers in George Church&rsquo;s lab modified wild type ADK proteins (left) in <em >E.coli</em>, furnishing them with an nonstandard amino acid (nsAA) meant to biocontain the resulting bacterial strain.
A Pioneer of The Multiplex Frontier
Rashmi Shivni, Drug Discovery News | May 20, 2023 | 10 min read
George Church is at it again, this time using multiplex gene editing to create virus-proof cells, improve organ transplant success, and protect elephants.
2020 Top 10 Innovations
The Scientist | Dec 1, 2020 | 10+ min read
From a rapid molecular test for COVID-19 to tools that can characterize the antibodies produced in the plasma of patients recovering from the disease, this year’s winners reflect the research community’s shared focus in a challenging year.
Antibody Alternatives
Paul Ko Ferrigno and Jane McLeod | Feb 1, 2016 | 10+ min read
Nucleic acid aptamers and protein scaffolds could change the way researchers study biological processes and treat disease.
Those We Lost in 2019
Ashley Yeager | Dec 30, 2019 | 6 min read
The scientific community said goodbye to Sydney Brenner, Paul Greengard, Patricia Bath, and a number of other leading researchers this year.
Articles Alert
Bernard Dixon | Mar 5, 1989 | 7 min read
LIFE SCIENCES BY BERNARD DIXON European Editorial Offices The Scientist Uxbrldge, U.K. " Positron emission tomography studies in 20 Swedish army officer cadets have revealed metabolic changes in the same regions of the brain during both tactile learning and tactile recognition. This exciting glimpse of brain metabolism accompanying conscious activity appears in a new journal launched by the European Neurosciences Association and designed to interest the entire universe of neuroscientists, fro
Mental Map
Abdul-Kareem Ahmed | Nov 13, 2013 | 5 min read
From determining structures to figuring out functions, brain-mapping scientists are applying new technologies to understand the hub of the central nervous system.
Top 10 Innovations 2013
The Scientist | Dec 1, 2013 | 10+ min read
The Scientist’s annual competition uncovered a bonanza of interesting technologies that made their way onto the market and into labs this year.
Your Body Is Teeming with Weed Receptors
Megan Scudellari | Jul 16, 2017 | 10+ min read
And the same endocannabinoid system that translates marijuana's buzz-inducing compounds into a high plays crucial roles in health and disease outside the brain.
The Heart of Europe's Biotech Sector
Martina Habeck | Aug 1, 2004 | 6 min read
More than 5,000 scientists with higher academic degrees work in public research in Europe's Upper Rhine valley, making this area one of the highest densities of life sciences-related research in the world. Now, the triangle region from Basel, Switzerland, in the south to Strasbourg, France, and Freiburg, Germany, in the north is striving to become the European heart of the biotechnology sector.The Dreiländereck or la Régio, as the region is called locally, has a lot going for it: excel
Senior Scientists Quit Europe
Silvia Sanides | Jun 1, 2003 | 7 min read
©Paul Barton, Corbis Rigid retirement policies are prompting scientists to flee Europe at the height of their professional lives to start second careers in the United States. Many of these researchers are still conducting experiments and are in no mood to slow down. But because nearly all European universities are government run, professors are left little choice when they reach mandatory retirement age, which in most countries is 65 years or even younger. Some scientists leaving for the

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