photo of california wetland at sunset
Researchers Find DNA “Borgs” in Methane-Chomping Archaea
Massive extrachromosomal elements named after the hive-minded cyborg villains in Star Trek may be the first of their kind.
Researchers Find DNA “Borgs” in Methane-Chomping Archaea
Researchers Find DNA “Borgs” in Methane-Chomping Archaea

Massive extrachromosomal elements named after the hive-minded cyborg villains in Star Trek may be the first of their kind.

Massive extrachromosomal elements named after the hive-minded cyborg villains in Star Trek may be the first of their kind.

extrachromosomal DNA, genetics & genomics

Non-Chromosomal DNA Drives Tumor Evolution
Anna Azvolinsky | Feb 8, 2017 | 4 min read
Researchers discover that short pieces of DNA harboring oncogenes are relatively widespread in cancer.
New Type of DNA Discovered?
Sabrina Richards | Mar 8, 2012 | 3 min read
Small circles of extrachromosomal DNA appear to be widespread in mammals, and may be byproducts of small deletions in the nuclear DNA of somatic cells.