Vibrations Restore Sense of Movement in Prosthetics
Vibrations Restore Sense of Movement in Prosthetics
Scientists recreate proprioception for people with artificial arms using a perceptual illusion.
Vibrations Restore Sense of Movement in Prosthetics
Vibrations Restore Sense of Movement in Prosthetics

Scientists recreate proprioception for people with artificial arms using a perceptual illusion.

Scientists recreate proprioception for people with artificial arms using a perceptual illusion.

prosthetics, disease & medicine

prosthetic hand muscle signals signal move fingers amputee robotics 3d printed printing
Image of the Day: Second Hand
Chia-Yi Hou | Jul 10, 2019 | 1 min read
A 3-D printed prosthetic hand moves by reading the signals in forearm muscles.