Engineered Microbe in Bees’ Guts Fends off Deadly Varroa Mite
Engineered Microbe in Bees’ Guts Fends off Deadly Varroa Mite
The genetically modified bacteria spark an RNAi response in the parasite that leads to self-destruction—and perhaps a path to combatting colony collapse disorder.
Engineered Microbe in Bees’ Guts Fends off Deadly Varroa Mite
Engineered Microbe in Bees’ Guts Fends off Deadly Varroa Mite

The genetically modified bacteria spark an RNAi response in the parasite that leads to self-destruction—and perhaps a path to combatting colony collapse disorder.

The genetically modified bacteria spark an RNAi response in the parasite that leads to self-destruction—and perhaps a path to combatting colony collapse disorder.

honey bees, cell & molecular biology

As Bees Specialize, So Does Their DNA Packaging
Shawna Williams | Sep 11, 2018 | 3 min read
A study of chemical tags on histone proteins hints at how the same genome can yield very different animals.