Infographic: How Air Pollution Could Affect the Brain
Infographic: How Air Pollution Could Affect the Brain
Evidence is accumulating that breathing contaminated air might impair cognition.
Infographic: How Air Pollution Could Affect the Brain
Infographic: How Air Pollution Could Affect the Brain

Evidence is accumulating that breathing contaminated air might impair cognition.

Evidence is accumulating that breathing contaminated air might impair cognition.

pollution, disease & medicine, neuroscience

Air Pollution May Damage People’s Brains
Catherine Offord | Oct 1, 2019 | 10+ min read
Contaminants in the atmosphere appear to have harmful effects on neurodevelopment and cognitive function.
the Shanghai skyline shrouded in smog
Air Pollution Linked to Decline in Cognitive Performance
Shawna Williams | Aug 28, 2018 | 1 min read
A study compares verbal and math test scores to air quality measurements in China and finds a correlation.