Illustration of meteorite shower heading for earth
All RNA and DNA Base Types Are Found in Meteorites, Study Claims
The discovery could add weight to the hypothesis that the building blocks of life on Earth originally came from space, but some scientists note the possibility of contamination.
All RNA and DNA Base Types Are Found in Meteorites, Study Claims
All RNA and DNA Base Types Are Found in Meteorites, Study Claims

The discovery could add weight to the hypothesis that the building blocks of life on Earth originally came from space, but some scientists note the possibility of contamination.

The discovery could add weight to the hypothesis that the building blocks of life on Earth originally came from space, but some scientists note the possibility of contamination.

nucleotides, evolution

RNA might have incorporated inosine, a derivative of adenosine, in place of guanosine
Primordial RNA May Have Contained Inosine
Catherine Offord | Mar 1, 2019 | 2 min read
The discovery that the adenosine derivative aids self-replication adds weight to the theory that life on Earth originated from a mixture of RNA molecules.
DNA’s Coding Power Doubled
Ruth Williams | Feb 21, 2019 | 3 min read
All life on Earth uses a genetic code based on four nucleotides. Now, scientists have created one with eight.