Circadian Clock Genes Help a Crop Pest Adapt to Climate Change
Circadian Clock Genes Help a Crop Pest Adapt to Climate Change
As global temperatures rise and winters shorten, caterpillars of the corn borer moth are emerging earlier in parts of the US thanks to changes in two genes, researchers find.
Circadian Clock Genes Help a Crop Pest Adapt to Climate Change
Circadian Clock Genes Help a Crop Pest Adapt to Climate Change

As global temperatures rise and winters shorten, caterpillars of the corn borer moth are emerging earlier in parts of the US thanks to changes in two genes, researchers find.

As global temperatures rise and winters shorten, caterpillars of the corn borer moth are emerging earlier in parts of the US thanks to changes in two genes, researchers find.

moth, evolution

Image of the Day: Moth Resurrection
The Scientist and The Scientist Staff | Dec 18, 2017 | 1 min read
Entomologists have rediscovered a species of moth that was considered lost for 130 years.