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tag tb microbiology culture immunology

Stem Cells: Safe Haven For TB
Nsikan Akpan | Feb 5, 2013 | 3 min read
Tuberculosis bacteria find shelter from drugs and the body’s defenses in bone marrow stem cells.
The Father of Autoimmunity: A Profile of Noel Rose
Diana Kwon | Jun 1, 2020 | 9 min read
By revealing that animals could develop immune responses against their own tissues, the physician-scientist established an entirely new field of science.
False-colored micrograph of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Tuberculosis: The Forgotten Pandemic
Anthony King | Jul 1, 2021 | 10+ min read
This month marks the 100-year anniversary of BCG, still the only approved vaccine against the lethal pathogen. But there are new vaccines for this wily foe on the horizon.
nk natural killer cell immunology immune cell adaptive innate immunity
Innate Immune Cells May Actually Remember Their Targets
Emma Yasinski | May 10, 2019 | 3 min read
Human natural killer cells, previously considered not to participate in adaptive immunity, remember viral antigens after initial exposures, according to a new study.
microbiome drugs
How the Microbiome Influences Drug Action
Shawna Williams | Jul 15, 2019 | 10+ min read
Through their effects on metabolism and immunity, bacteria in the gut affect whether medications will be effective for a given patient.
The Search for Persisters
Amanda B. Keener | Aug 11, 2015 | 4 min read
Lyme disease–causing bacteria can outmaneuver antibiotics in vitro and manipulate the mouse immune system.
Of Cells and Limits
Anna Azvolinsky | Mar 1, 2015 | 9 min read
Leonard Hayflick has been unafraid to speak his mind, whether it is to upend a well-entrenched dogma or to challenge the federal government. At 86, he’s nowhere near retirement.
Suited to a T
Kelly Rae Chi | May 1, 2013 | 8 min read
Sorting out T-cell functional and phenotypic heterogeneity depends on studying single cells.
Show Me Your Moves
Marissa Fessenden | May 1, 2015 | 9 min read
Updated classics and new techniques help microbiologists get up close and quantitative.
Making Things Grow: Insect Cells, Stem Cells, and Primary Cell Lines All Pose Challenges for Cell Culturists
Laura Defrancesco | Jun 21, 1998 | 5 min read
Date: June 22, 1998 Insect Cell Culture Media, Suppliers of Primary Cell Culture Media Advantages for Protein Expression Studies Since the mid-1950s cultures of insects--cockroaches, fruit flies, and leafhoppers, to name a few--have been the object of quiet study by physiologists and cell biologists. But along came genetic engineering and suddenly insect cultures have been put in the spotlight since they provide advantages over both bacterial and mammalian systems for recombinant protein prod

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