a cartoon of a human head with arrows going in different directions and speech bubble that say "yes!" and "no!"
Research Teams Reach Different Results From Same Brain-Scan Data
When 70 independent teams were tasked with analyzing identical brain images, no two teams chose the same approach and their conclusions were highly variable.
Research Teams Reach Different Results From Same Brain-Scan Data
Research Teams Reach Different Results From Same Brain-Scan Data

When 70 independent teams were tasked with analyzing identical brain images, no two teams chose the same approach and their conclusions were highly variable.

When 70 independent teams were tasked with analyzing identical brain images, no two teams chose the same approach and their conclusions were highly variable.

research integrity, neuroscience

#MeTooSTEM Founder BethAnn McLaughlin Has Left Vanderbilt
Ashley P. Taylor | Jul 10, 2019 | 2 min read
Her departure follows her denial of tenure.