Gene Drive–Equipped Mosquitoes Released into Lab Environment
Gene Drive–Equipped Mosquitoes Released into Lab Environment
The large-scale experiments aim to test how the technology would fare in the wild, if deployed to knock down populations of the pests.
Gene Drive–Equipped Mosquitoes Released into Lab Environment
Gene Drive–Equipped Mosquitoes Released into Lab Environment

The large-scale experiments aim to test how the technology would fare in the wild, if deployed to knock down populations of the pests.

The large-scale experiments aim to test how the technology would fare in the wild, if deployed to knock down populations of the pests.

malaria, ecology

Mosquitoes Attracted to Malaria-Infected Mice
Tracy Vence | Jun 30, 2014 | 3 min read
Mice infected with a malaria-causing parasite emit odors that are more attractive to malaria-transmitting mosquitoes than uninfected animals, a study shows.