genetics & genomics, cancer, stem cells

Alcohol Damages Mouse DNA
Jef Akst | Jan 3, 2018 | 1 min read
A byproduct of alcohol consumption causes mutations in the DNA of mouse blood stem cells, and some of the breaks are not repaired.
Week in Review: June 9–13
Tracy Vence | Jun 13, 2014 | 3 min read
Ancient apoptotic pathway connects humans to coral; lab-grown, light-sensing retinal tissue; tracking cancer with synthetic phospholipids; diving deep into the lung microbiome
Week in Review: April 7–11
Tracy Vence | Apr 11, 2014 | 3 min read
Stress and telomere length in children; osmotic channel protein identified; amoeba nibbles, then kills cells; amphetamine and mental disorder risk; news from AACR
Week in Review: January 27–31
Tracy Vence | Jan 31, 2014 | 3 min read
Stimulus-triggered pluripotency; antioxidants speed lung tumor growth; the importance of seminal vesicles; how a plant pathogen jumps hosts