CBD Linked to Sleep Disturbances in Adolescent Rats
CBD Linked to Sleep Disturbances in Adolescent Rats
The animals showed changes in both slow wave and rapid eye movement sleep.
CBD Linked to Sleep Disturbances in Adolescent Rats
CBD Linked to Sleep Disturbances in Adolescent Rats

The animals showed changes in both slow wave and rapid eye movement sleep.

The animals showed changes in both slow wave and rapid eye movement sleep.

policy, cell & molecular biology

Tardigrades May Have Made it to the Moon
Ashley Yeager | Aug 7, 2019 | 2 min read
An Israeli lunar lander carrying the tiny animals crashed into the moon in April, and now scientists are trying to determine if the creatures are still alive.
No European Patents for Stem Cells
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The high court in Europe decided that researchers are barred from filing EU patents on work involving human embryonic stem cells.
Europe Pours $41 Million Into Epigenome
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Regulating the Humanized
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Regulating nanotechnology
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The FDA proposes the first set of regulations for nanotechnology and asks for feedback from the scientific community.