Recording of “Sonic Attack” in Cuba Was Crickets: Scientists
Recording of “Sonic Attack” in Cuba Was Crickets: Scientists
Biologists say a sound suspected to have caused headaches, nausea, and possible brain damage among diplomats is actually of insects chirping.
Recording of “Sonic Attack” in Cuba Was Crickets: Scientists
Recording of “Sonic Attack” in Cuba Was Crickets: Scientists

Biologists say a sound suspected to have caused headaches, nausea, and possible brain damage among diplomats is actually of insects chirping.

Biologists say a sound suspected to have caused headaches, nausea, and possible brain damage among diplomats is actually of insects chirping.

policy, disease & medicine, neuroscience

the Shanghai skyline shrouded in smog
Air Pollution Linked to Decline in Cognitive Performance
Shawna Williams | Aug 28, 2018 | 1 min read
A study compares verbal and math test scores to air quality measurements in China and finds a correlation.