When Should Service Dogs Be Admitted into the Lab?
When Should Service Dogs Be Admitted into the Lab?
Becoming a neuroscientist with a service dog by your side presents numerous challenges. Joey Ramp, who went back to college to study her own post-traumatic stress disorder, is learning this the hard way.
When Should Service Dogs Be Admitted into the Lab?
When Should Service Dogs Be Admitted into the Lab?

Becoming a neuroscientist with a service dog by your side presents numerous challenges. Joey Ramp, who went back to college to study her own post-traumatic stress disorder, is learning this the hard way.

Becoming a neuroscientist with a service dog by your side presents numerous challenges. Joey Ramp, who went back to college to study her own post-traumatic stress disorder, is learning this the hard way.

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The Challenges of Bringing Service Dogs into the Lab
Jef Akst | Sep 18, 2018 | 10+ min read
Joey Ramp went back to college to study post-traumatic stress disorder. But the dogs that help her manage her own PTSD complicate her research career.