An artistic rendering of blue neurons against a white background
Participant’s Diagnosis Halts Gene Therapy Clinical Trial
The FDA pauses the research program on a lentivirus-based treatment for a rare neurological condition after a patient developed a bone marrow disorder that could presage leukemia.
Participant’s Diagnosis Halts Gene Therapy Clinical Trial
Participant’s Diagnosis Halts Gene Therapy Clinical Trial

The FDA pauses the research program on a lentivirus-based treatment for a rare neurological condition after a patient developed a bone marrow disorder that could presage leukemia.

The FDA pauses the research program on a lentivirus-based treatment for a rare neurological condition after a patient developed a bone marrow disorder that could presage leukemia.

clinical trials, FDA, drug development, genetics & genomics

The NIH Loosens Grip on Gene Therapy Trials
Kerry Grens | Aug 16, 2018 | 2 min read
The agency proposes ceding its scrutiny of these studies to the FDA.