Morphine drip
Morphine Tolerance Pathway Identified in Mice
Prolonged exposure to morphine triggers cells in the spine to release signaling molecules that increase pain sensitivity and dull the relief of the drug. Blocking this activity could improve pain management.
Morphine Tolerance Pathway Identified in Mice
Morphine Tolerance Pathway Identified in Mice

Prolonged exposure to morphine triggers cells in the spine to release signaling molecules that increase pain sensitivity and dull the relief of the drug. Blocking this activity could improve pain management.

Prolonged exposure to morphine triggers cells in the spine to release signaling molecules that increase pain sensitivity and dull the relief of the drug. Blocking this activity could improve pain management.


The Age of Pharmabrewing
Laura Marengo and John D. Loike | Jan 1, 2016 | 3 min read
We should not resist developing opiate-producing GM yeast for fear of the technology falling into the wrong hands.
Placebos Use Pot Receptor
Tia Ghose | Oct 5, 2011 | 1 min read
Some pain-relief placebos work in part by activating a cannabinoid receptor, stimulating the same pathway as marijuana.