Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease neural stem cell transplantation
Neural Stem Cell Transplantation Crawls Toward the Clinic
Several early-stage clinical trials indicate that implanting patients with the cells is safe. But whether they can alleviate neurological problems remains to be seen.
Neural Stem Cell Transplantation Crawls Toward the Clinic
Neural Stem Cell Transplantation Crawls Toward the Clinic

Several early-stage clinical trials indicate that implanting patients with the cells is safe. But whether they can alleviate neurological problems remains to be seen.

Several early-stage clinical trials indicate that implanting patients with the cells is safe. But whether they can alleviate neurological problems remains to be seen.

spinal cord injury, disease & medicine, neuroscience

Nerve Stimulation Gives Paralyzed People Ability to Walk
Abby Olena, PhD | Oct 31, 2018 | 4 min read
Precisely timed electrical stimulation and intensive rehabilitation restore some capacity to walk among three men more than four years after their debilitating injuries.
Cell Transplant Trial for Spinal Injury Is Safe
Ruth Williams | Jun 1, 2018 | 3 min read
The first human experiment with neural precursor cells implanted to treat chronic spinal cord injury suggests the procedure is safe, and hints at a small benefit.