Drawing of white squid-like creature in front of blue background
Ten-Limbed Octopus Ancestor Described, Named After Biden
Octopuses were around 82 million years earlier than scientists previously thought—and had two extra limbs at the time.
Ten-Limbed Octopus Ancestor Described, Named After Biden
Ten-Limbed Octopus Ancestor Described, Named After Biden

Octopuses were around 82 million years earlier than scientists previously thought—and had two extra limbs at the time.

Octopuses were around 82 million years earlier than scientists previously thought—and had two extra limbs at the time.

cephalopod, evolution

Cuttlefish, cephalopod, mollusk, mollusca, animal behavior, marshmallow test, cognition, intelligence, evolution
Cuttlefish Delay Gratification, a Sign of Smarts
Asher Jones | Mar 5, 2021 | 8 min read
The cephalopods resisted temptation for up to 130 seconds to earn their favorite food, hinting at sophisticated cognitive abilities such as planning for the future.
Squid-Inspired Electric Elastomer
Jyoti Madhusoodanan | Sep 17, 2014 | 1 min read
Polymer changes color and texture in response to remote signals. 
Cephalopod Coddling
Jyoti Madhusoodanan | Aug 1, 2014 | 2 min read
Deep-sea octopus has the longest-known brooding period known for any animal species.